The system was tested in late 2015, when 17.000 volunteers returned from international workcamps abroad.
More than 500 of them, from 12 organizations, experienced the competences recognition event, as designed by the partnership and thanks to the researches, living a non formal and funny day. The voluntary service projects were evaluated also under the light of the learning dimension. Thanks to these piloting events and the great contribution of the facilitators who ran the I’VE session and of the volunteers, the system was adjusted, refined and improved in its different elements.
In 2016 hundreds of volunteers did the same experience, and we finally met in Brussels to involve the facilitators so to assess the whole project cycle and the capacity of the system to be inclusive and empowering for a wide range of youth.
Now, discover and adopt the system. Read on!
The I’VE system will enable to organize innovative Post Camp Events from September 2016.
I’VE sessions take 7 hours, a drilling day for 14-30 volunteers, 1 or 2 facilitators and small logistic support.
If you are interested in getting to know better contact Lunaria to receive insights and suggestions –
The system is composed by:
The Tool Kit – it details the different sessions where volunteers will tell their stories and assess their competences. It includes information on needed resources, alterative options according to the group composition, ready-to-print materials to be used during the Post Camp Events.
Download the Toolkit
The Users’ Guide – it gives relevant info and material to prepare the volunteers, so to fully exploit the experience.
Download the Users Guide -
The Handbook for Facilitators – it serves for the preparation of the PCE facilitator with background information and tips
Download the Handbook for Facilitators -
The APP and the Management tool – these ICT outputs are able to produce automatically the Certificates of Competences Recognition and to run some of the Post Camp Event modules. The system smoothly work also on “paper version”, for those not interested in the Certificates fast editing. The Android version is already available on Google PLAY, looking for “I’VE Lunaria” while the IOS version will be available soon. To recveive the accounts credentials for the Management tool, please write to mariuzzo(at)
The 13 competences in the I’VE recognition system